
Remembering what God has done for me builds my faith.  It also keeps me from making bad choices.

This was an integral part of life for the people of Israel.  They often set up 'memorials' to remind themselves and their children of what God had done for them at a particular place and time.  Jacob after his dream, and Joshua after he led the people across the river Jordan into the Promised Land are some examples.  Entire festivals in the Bible were instituted for the purpose of remembering - Purim (in the book of Esther), and of course, the Passover.

Consider this page and the posts that I link from it below
Remembering God's hand and faithfulness in my life
a 'memorial' of sorts - a section of this blog dedicated to building and maintaining my faith (and hopefully encouraging yours) with stories of what God has done specifically for my family and I.  I hope you find it up-lifting.

In rough chronological Order:

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